Monday, December 3, 2012

I lied...lots of awkward things happen to me.

Okay I like to think I can go days hours without something awkward happening. Oh silly expectations that I have...I just set myself up to fail. Today started out normal, not super weird, just the usual amount of weirdness. Like when I'm at work and I try to find my boss so I walk in the hall  which was filled with students for some meeting who all stop talking as I pass and watch me walk. Course I couldn't find my I ended up passing again and...again. But that was survivable.
The real story starts at Walmart. You know how you think that you always get the cart that makes the most noise? Well my roommate actually does. Every. Time. And I just find it hilarious. So we're finally done shopping and we are heading to the check out lines. We are just strolling along, behind two slow girls who are taking their time, as we are clunking (and yes I mean clunking. *cluuuuunk cluuuuuunk cluuuuuunk*) they slowly turn and look at us. Granted, we were walking slightly close to them and our cart was pretty loud so it may or may have sounded like a creepy pirate with a peg leg was following them. I laugh trying to help the situation..they gave me a slight smile and swerve down a different aisle.
We get to the check out line. First thing I notice? The man was wearing a santa hat, with the ball hanging directly in the middle of his face. The girl in front of us handed him a 5 dollar bill and let me just tell you how their conversation went:
"This is a 20 dollar bill."-man in hat at register
"It's a 5..."-girl that handed him a 5 dollar bill
"No, it's a 20. That is a 2 upside down, not a 5."
"Uh. Pretty sure that is a 5."
"Nope. Here's your change, 15 dollars."
Sooo essentially if I heard correctly that girl made money when she went to Walmart. What am I doing wrong here?
Then it's our turn...
"Hi how are you?"-hat man
"Good. You?"-Courtney
"I'd be better if I wasn't wearing this hat. Then again it's not as bad as that guy's (motions to guy a few rows over...that guy's hat was standing straight up) But he's like a peacock..very extravagant. *long pause* oh wait! Not extravagant in thaaaaat way but...extravagant. Like your outfit, it's extravagant. You've got style."-hat man
At this point Courtney and I are doing the awkward smile and nod...the awkward chuckle and shuffle, just trying to hurry up this much too painful process.
"Okay, I guess you have style too." says hat man looking at me. Oh thank you Mr. hat check out man. I am just soo flattered that you think I have style too. It's almost like I've been waiting my whole life to hear you tell me that.
"You see that girl on check out 5? With the red hair? You should go tell her that you like her hair. It will make her day, she did it herself. But will you tell her? No. Because you are cold hearted girls. Cold hearted."-Hat man
I know they say you can find some interesting people in Walmart (such as the boy who looked like he was 12 years old but he was that legal?) but when you add me into the's just not good in any way. Except for maybe the funny stories that I get to share with my lovely blog followers. (Is anyone even still reading these silly ramblings? If so I applaud you and thank you and bow down to you, because you are a mighty being. So thanks. You are wonderful.)
And that is all. Goodnight y'all!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sometimes awkward things happen to me

Sometimes awkward things happen to me. Or I make awkward things happen. It's not that I necessarily mean to. But a while ago I decided to stop fighting my awkwardness and just embrace it. Since then it has gotten worse. Luckily Hollywood seems to be on my side since awkwardness is now becoming more endearing and is now just called quirky and "cute." Not that I fit in that category, but I'm at least leaning that way and hoping to be pulled into it and embraced by the rest of my fellow awkward friends.
Today was one of those days where I wasn't quirky. I was just awkward, let's be honest and say it was not as bad as some other situations I have been in, but it was not one I would like to relive again any time soon.
This story revolves around a boy. We shall call him "Billy Bob" for reasons that are obvious. It's the perfect code name, back in those middle school days when code names were all the rage and every boy you ever had eye contact with had one. Mine were oh so creative...such as Johnny (because I loved Johnny Depp) Sheen (because I can't talk and I messed up his name) and "the hat" (because he was wearing a hat at a football game we went to) What can I say? I'm an expert at code names.
Anyways, Billy Bob is cute. Like one of those people you look at and wonder if the rest of the family is that attractive or if all the good genes just went straight to him. (do other people ever wonder that?) So we are sitting in class* in rows with some empty seats in the middle.
*certain parts of this story may or may not be changed just to deceive Billy Bob...who I'm almost positive isn't reading this, but if he is, and it's obvious that this is you...then hello, and welcome.
So he walks in and goes to sit in the middle seat, as he is passing by us he ends up kinda hitting my foot with his and says sorry. Then sits down. Then, me being me, I kiddingly, let me strain that by putting it in italics...kiddingly, lean over to my friend to whisper "he said sorry to me" in a girly, way-too-excited-about-one-simple-word way, to which she replied "oh goodness, you are like a sixth grader!" Which may or may not be a fair statement.
The rest of class is passing as I try not to look at him. I'm doing a great job until at one point I peek over there and my friend sees and of course HAS to point it out to me that I am "creepin" on him. This said friend, then swooshes her hair over her eyes and says that I look like I'm creepily staring at him through my hair.
*quick side note-if you know me at all, you know I laugh super easily at just about anything that has any amount of humor in it. And my laugh is...interesting. It is loud and unique. One of those that if you hear it but can't see where it is coming from, you just know that I am somewhere near by.*
So as this said friend swooshes her hair at me in class, I laugh...RIGHT as the teacher stops talking about something spiritual and the class is completely quiet. It was just the beginning of my it came out sounding more of like a loud HAAA before I slapped my hands over my mouth and shimmied down in my chair as everyone turned to look at me...including Billy Bob from down the row. Oh hello, in case you didn't know who I was, you probably do glad to make such an impression on you. Now, don't you want to get to know me better?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My life has been crazy. Which is a wonderful thing because it is SO fun! No regrets :) but I should update you quickly...
-I went to LOGAN again! I was there for 5 lovely days full of fun. 
-I went clubbing and it was oh so fun! Dear Laura sat in gum (see picture below)...that wasn't quite as fun but the rest of the night was wonderful! 
-I can't wait until Christmas! Once it starts getting cold I start getting sooo excited for Christmas! I may or may not already be listening to Christmas music...and by that I mean I most definitely am. I mean come on, Scotty McCreery and Blake Shelton just released Christmas albums. If you haven't heard them yet, go listen.  Now. 
-Tomorrow is official "Take Back Your Time" day. Which means don't waste it!
-A couple weeks ago we made egg nog shakes at work. They were DELICIOUS! First-I love egg nog. Second- I love shakes. Third- I love egg nog shakes. and fourth- I absolutely love getting paid to sit there eating one. What a great Friday it was. 
-While in Logan I bought a precious Paul Frank cup (although I may have called it my curious George cup all weekend...I was mistaken. It's Paul Frank, but it's still cute! See picture below...)
-I got to see the beautiful Ashley Clauss last week! It was so great seeing someone from home, especially her! I love her!
-This has nothing to do with anything but I asked my brother if he thought I was immature and he said no and then said "maybe you just look young and who cares? YOLO." Can I just say how much I love him? He can always make me laugh when I'm feeling down. After spending almost a week with him, I'm just super happy!
-While I was in Logan I was reading a book called Don't Sweat the Little Things and it's totally changed my perspective, not that I worried about the little stuff anyways. But after reading it and being away from the Rexburg bubble, my perspective has changed fully. Now I'm just so happy and looking at life in a new wonderful way and cutting out the bad things and people that I don't need in my life. So if I stop talking to you, it's cause you are one of the bad people I don't need. hahah I'm kidding. Well, kinda. But don't sweat it :)
-aaaand finally, Taylor Swift's new album is amazing, beautiful, fun, inspiring and just plain fantastic. I'll take a break from my Christmas music to play it on repeat for the next few days. My favorite song? Stay, Stay, Stay. Sooo good!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Okay so I've been a little off the radar lately...I apologize and here's a quick update.
I'm back at school and loving it. 
Except for my Math class. There are cool people in there and the teacher is funny but I HATE math and I certainly suck at it. (seriously...I do. I just failed my test today. boom. proof.)
My ward is cool though and my roommates are wonderful. 
We've already decorated our apartment for Halloween and it's beautiful. We are also planning a legit party for that weekend. 
I tried a pear for the first time a few weeks ago. It was pretty good actually.
I also tried Ginger Beer and non-alcoholic wine. Also, not too bad. 
The other night we drove around with me standing through the sunroof and I hollered at people. It was pretty wonderful. 
My new quote is... "nothing matters when you are dancing." So when something you don't want to happen happens...just start dancing. It fixes everything. 
And there is your update on my oh so exciting life

Oh and I'm totally making these. 

And now I'll leave you with a picture of my new friend Henry. He is adorable. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Soren Nikolaus Neumann

My sister is a Mom! My sister is a Mom! I could shout it to the world. I am so excited for her. She is going to be the best and her husband Hailey is going to be just as wonderful. Little baby Soren is so lucky to have both of them. They will be just goofy and fun enough while still being smart and serious and raising him right. It's going to be fun to see how Soren grows up. He is a beautiful little boy. I couldn't get enough of him. I could just stare at him for hours (at which point I realized how bad it's going to be when it's my own baby) Welcome to the world Soren Nikolaus Neumann. 

More work stories

Well another week has passed of work.

First funny thing to happen is my "semi friend." One day I was waving the sign and a guy in a semi passed by. He was holding up papers and moving them back and forth mimicking me. I gave him a thumbs up and waved and he laughed and honked the horn. It was awesome! Definitely made my day. And he passed by a couple days ago doing the same thing! He is now my "semi friend" and he's great!
This week something kind of wonderful happened.
I was taking my break when a precious old man came up to me. And when I say precious, I mean precious. He was a little hunched over, had a huge grin, soft old crackly voice and he was holding a small American flag. He then asked if I was the sign girl and gave me 4 dollars and told me to get some food. He explained that he had done that job before and he wanted to treat me to some lunch. After I got my food I asked if he wanted his change but he just waved his hand at me and then actually handed me another dollar and told me to also get a drink. After another wave and huge smile he left.
When I went back outside (after eating fries and a delicious bacon burger) I saw him sitting on the corner across the street. He was holding out a sign and asking for money from passing cars. I was in awe that someone who begs for money would be willing to give up 5 dollars to a total stranger.
In that moment I realized our world is not completely hopeless. With all the terrible things that happen and the awful things that people do, there are still good people out there. There are still people who have pure and giving hearts. And that gave me hope. So thank you precious man for giving me hope in the world again.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The story of J

Well, I'm back at my sign waving job which means I have stories to tell.
Yesterday the weirdest thing happened... A guy (probably around 19 or 20) came up to me and asked if I knew where to cash a check on a Saturday. Then he left. About half an hour later I went to take my break (sit in Burger King for 10 minutes and watch the news) and he saw me and ran up to me. This is how our conversation went. *We'll call him J*

"Hey! You know you are very lucky for 2 reasons."-J
"Oh really?"-A
"One-cause I'm flirting with you and two because I think you are beautiful."-J
"Well thanks..."-A
(He then follows me through the BK door and sits down at a table with me)
"Seriously, you should just quit your job and become a model."-J
"I'm a little short."-A
"All the tall ones are just stuck up. You seem more down to earth."-J
"I mean it. You are like way out of their league. You are so pretty."-J
(I'm feeling awkward at this point so I just chuckle and look at the tv)
"You play any instruments?"-J
"No way! I play guitar. We should start a band, tour the world, and since you are that gorgeous, we can even have kids."-J (no joke. that is what he said.)
"Well darn, too bad I leave in a month."-A
"That gives us time."-J
(cue awkward chuckle again...)
"Listen, I'm having a get together tonight and since you are so pretty, you are invited."-J
"What are you doing?"-A
"It's a surprise until you get there."-J
"Well, I already have plans."-A
"Cancel them and come anyways."-J
"Yeah...well we'll see."-A
He then shakes my hand and says nice to meet me. Then grabs my hand again, kisses it...yes, he kissed my hand and said "you're beautiful! have a good day."

Ohh the people I meet on the street. Never a dull moment.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sorry for being a little off the radar but I'm back! The end of the semester is always the busiest and the most fun so I've been a little distracted. Here's just a quick update on what has been happening the last month.
I went to Salt Lake for my cousin's wedding. It was beautiful and happy and fun to see everyone. Then while wandering around with Kevin and Jarom and we found some random pianos placed around downtown. So I was a street performer for a few minutes!

The 4th of July was a lot of fun. Sariah and I went to the parade, saw Spiderman and then went to see the fireworks. What better way to celebrate America than watch people in Rexburg drive tractors? Watch beautiful people make up the perfect fantasy world that could never happen? and then blow things up? 

On July 5th we went to the rodeo. It was so much fun!
 And full of men that looked like this...
So was great.
Funny story though, Sariah and I somehow got talked into helping the clown (which was creepy) do a skit. So when the time came the five of us were all blindfolded and told to dance in the middle of the arena. Then he said a few weren't dancing well so we needed to try harder. He did this a couple times until he said that I wasn't dancing much. But...if you know me, you know I don't do things halfway, especially dancing like a fool. So I got weirded out, knowing that I was dancing. So I asked "am I the only one left out here?" and he replies of course not. But when he turned the music on, I didn't dance and then he told me to take off my blindfold. Turns out I was dancing by myself in the middle of the arena for everyone to laugh at. 
It was embarrassing and funny.
I'll always remember my first rodeo now.

On July 13th it was cow appreciation day, so of course Sariah and I had to participate!
We dressed up like cows, drove 25 minutes and got our free meal. 
It was soo worth it! 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sun fun and hair dye!

Yesterday was a beautiful day! It seems like Rexburg has finally let summer happen. For now at least. 
Sariah and I spent it cruising around with the windows down on the way to the lake. 
Where we sat for hours relaxing, eating Jack in the Box and soaking up the lovely sun. 
It's just amazing how a day in the sun can make you oh so happy! 
(waking up today with a tan helps too)
We even saw the lochness monster!
See! It's Nessie!

Then we came back and I dyed my hair. Yup! Y'all heard me right....always said I never would, but it's just the ends of my hair. 
They are now turquoise :)