Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MMM Orange Chicken

I have been craving orange chicken for at least a week. I finally decided to just go buy some from the Crossroads on campus. So I asked my boss' brother if the chinese food was good there and he sadly told me not really. I told him I would have to go anyways cause I wanted orange chicken! We talked a little more and then he left, coming back half an hour later...with orange chicken and rice for me from a chinese place off campus! It was soo sweet. So I came home, curled up, ate my wonderful chinese food and watched the Big Bang Theory. Life can be so great sometimes :)
P.S. I braided my headband into my hair....I thought it looked pretty cool! Like it?

Hit the Lights

Don't judge, but I love Selena Gomez. Her latest song is awesomee!
Her lyrics are perfect.
The video is super cute too :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Logan again

Yes, this last weekend I went to Logan...again. And it was just as great as always. Still wish I had an extra 1,000 so I could go there. Anyone feel like paying for me??
This weekend was pretty laid back. I hung out with Court a lot including making a delicious Chicken Alfredo pizza and hot tubbing. Hot tubbing with snow on the ground is my new favorite thing. Of course had the usual dance party while riding in the cart (this time to go get Little Caesars...I guess I had a lot of pizza this weekend) watched the BYU football game and the basketball game and had a board game night. And I also went to Texas Roadhouse with Court's family (I got wings mmmm)

Some crazy news from the week: Jeff's fiance is awesome! She's just like me. Seriously, practically the same's surreal. Facts: Both obsessed with HP. Both obsessed with Tumblr. Both awkward. Both in love with food. Both hate girls. Both blog. Same sense of humor. Both feel ehhh about Rexburg. We say and think the sameee things. Both struggle with paying attention in Relief Society. And even more crazy....we even had the same nail polish on. Whaaaat? yes. And now we are best of friends. And we reblog pretty much everything we put on Tumblr and enjoy texting each other wonderful things.

Pretty fantastic. Shout out to Laura Evans!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall :)

I love the Fall. Sadly in Rexburg it already feels like Winter but there are a few nice days where I get to break out the cute fall season clothes. Here's my fall outfit for the day :)
P.S. Brandon graduated from Basic Training today!
P.P.S I'm going to Logan again tomorrow <3

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Acrobats are not human

Seriously, they can't be human. Its kinda amazing the things they can do. I went to an acrobat show last night with Sariah and we just kept repeating, "no...not possible. No way they can do that...OH MY GOSH! They did it!!" Over and over and over again. My mind was officially boggled. I want to be an acrobat or at least have a friend that is an acrobat, I would forever be entertained.
These were my faces throughout the show...

And here's a link to one of the coolest parts of the show.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I love any reason to dress up different from how I dress any other day. So I love Halloween.
This year I was a mouse :) Did the usual Halloween activities, ate junk food and drank soda with dry ice overflowing in it (I think that looks soo cool!) And of course, had a dance party (you know, the usual for me)

P.S. My best friend back home dressed up like a woman. He is my hero. Yup, be jealous that he's not your best friend!