Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brotherly love

Warning: this post may be a little sappy (or as my brother would say...tender)

And since my brother doesn't read this I could tell all his little secrets and embarrassing moments. But that is not quite why I typing this. In fact, it's quite the opposite. 

I love my family a lot as I've stated a billion times in previous posts. So this might just seem like another random family post. But since I've been in the same city as my brother for the last month I've been overwhelmed with gratitude for Kevin. He's always been someone I look up to. He's one of the good ones. 
He's started a couple businesses in the last little while and it amazes me to watch how he does it. I love being a part of the business because I love watching the way he organizes and does what he needs to for the business. I'm constantly in awe of what and how he does it. He amazes me with his business knowledge and his creativity. If you want to read more about his latest business you can go here or here.
He is also the kind of person that is really good at reading people. With that and the fact that he knows me so well, he almost always knows what I'm thinking/feeling. And when I'm sad, he knows how to make me feel better. He has always been there for me. Whether it's in person or through a phone call or text, he's there for me and knows how to make me feel better. He always knows how to make me laugh. He's one of the funniest people I know and crazy...well not crazy, maybe fun is a better word? If you know him, you know what I mean. 
When I first got here I was worried I wouldn't be able to see him much because he's busy with his own life and friends. But he proved me wrong and invites me to hang out with him. Whether it's making pie, watching tv, working, having a dance party, Sunday karaoke or anything's always a good time. (hahah get it?? It's always a good's a song, for those who didn't get it.)  He'll never really understand how much that means to me. But I love it. I love the time I get to spend with him and what I learn from him. He's an amazing brother and friend. 
We are always told that we either look a lot alike or that it seems like we are dating since we are so close and it's become a big joke between us. I have noticed how alike we are lately and there's no one else I'd rather be like :)
Oh and Kevin, if you do read this. I love you! And I's tender. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Things that make me smile

-lazy days
-crossing things off my bucket list
-an unexpected sweet text
-my friends and family
-dance parties (with people, alone, really just any dance party)
-chocolate (it really deserves it's own mention)
-new clothes
-my birthday! (10 days!)
-people who love me for my dorkiness
-handwritten letters

Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentines Day, awkward stories and other random tidbits

Hello all! I've been a little busy...okay that's a lie, unless you call watching Alias being busy. Okay so I also helped my brother with his business, celebrated Valentine's day with some wonderful people, went to Salt Lake and then watched Alias.
Let's start with Valentine's Day which was seriously one of my favorite ones yet. I helped my brother with his business and then was able to hang out with the lovely Laura and Jeff. They took me out to lunch, I helped Laura get her surprise ready for Jeff and then they even went to the basketball game with me where we almost lost our voices and it was awesome. It was a much better day than I was expecting considering everyone I know here had plans with their significant others. But they were so sweet to hang out with me and they never fail to make me laugh. Really. They are hilarious. And the most selfless people I know. They were even nice enough to offer to let me stay at their place since one of the people I stay with had bronchitis. So another big thank you shout out to them. (if reading this...hi guys!)
Then...there's the awkward stories. I had to survey some people on campus yesterday. There were plenty of uncomfortable experiences but there were 2 that really stood out. The first-I went up to an Asian girl to ask her the questions. I did my usual question and looked to see her just staring back at me. "No?" I asked and she continued to just stare at me with a blank face... apparently she didn't speak English. (the whole time I was thinking of the part in Pitch Perfect when Anna Kendrick says "just let me know where you are with English.") The second- I almost asked a blind guy if he had seen anyone wearing the tshirts. I almost asked a blind person if he had seen. Oh geez...
In the same day I also got recruited to work for a con business? They told me they sold bonds for cancer but really just used the money for school. I thought he was asking me out...but then it was actually a recruiting dinner? I still don't really understand what happened. I just won't be answering phone calls from any random numbers.

Other than that, life has been normal.
Oh I'm also learning this song on the guitar. It's currently one of my favorite songs. But my fingers are killing me.
And now I'll leave you with one of my favorite photos from Valentine's Day.
Happy Friday y'all!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Outfit of the day

Due to some requests from some lovely people, I've decided to start posting some of my daily outfits.
Although...not all the time otherwise you guys will see a lot of pajamas, sweats and baggy t-shirts.

 Jacket: a gift, Sweater Rue 21, Leggings:Rugged Wearhouse, Boots: Shoe Carnival

On a different note. I saw someone unexpected from my past today. Someone I didn't necessarily want to see. I cried and sought comfort from my brother. He told me something I thought I should share. He told me that it was in the past and to leave it there. Easier said than done, I know. But he said it's my choice. And he's right. I can't really control my emotions towards the situation but I can control what I do and think about it and in the end, that will help.
So there's your deep thought for Wednesday!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mardi Gras

So this happened. I held a snake! It was weird. Almost felt fake. 
It was definitely real though considering it's head kept looking at us and flicking it's tongue out. 

That's right ladies and gentleman, this weekend was *drumroll*

The night started out by holding this snake and a touching a huge yellow boa. Then it was full of playing cards and gambling (and by that I mean watching Kevin and Jarom play. We were the girls that stood behind their chairs supporting them.) Jarom actually won a lot of chips but sadly, neither him nor Kevin won anything from the raffle. 
Sarah and I left them to their gambling and hit up the tattoo parlor (aka the airbrush tattoo booth) where I was going to get the Batman symbol and she would get Superman. But...our wrists were too small. Imagine that. So I got a shamrock and she got a dollar sign. Hard core huh? 
Then...the long awaited dance. It was wonderful! 
Balloons and confetti fell from the ceiling. I mean really...can you ask for anything better??
Oh wait. You can. You can ask to take a picture with a 7 foot man that is standing behind you while you dance. He may or may not be on the basketball team. We are unsure...but he's so tall. 
Downside to the dance was this sweaty, little man that seemed to appear no matter where we went. A little creepy. 
But other than Mr. Creepy. It was so, so fun!

Happy Mardi Gras!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Well it's a week tomorrow since I've been here. What have I been up to you ask? Well, let me tell you!
I watched attractive men skate around and beat each other up...aka hockey. It was super fun. Utah State won by the way. Aggies all the way!
I went thrift store shopping. I found a guitar I absolutely LOVED. Only 28 dollars!! What a steal right?? But not. Since I don't play and it was in an antique store I decided it was not worth the risk of wasting almost 30 dollars (which I told myself is about 6 trips to Pizza Pie Cafe and let's face it, that's a lot of delicious pizza!) It was still a glorious day. Although I still feel like I shouldn't be let into public. While in one store my purse got caught on a display and I knocked it down. Course the display was Valentine's lingerie. So that was just great. Classy.
I also attended a Groundhog's Day party. I finally watched the movie Groundhog's Day. Then we "adopted" groundhogs and I got a cute little drawing of a groundhog named Little Joe. He's such a good son too, he just quietly sits there on my desk.
Kevin and I watched the Superbowl together. I was a little disappointed in the ads sadly but there were a few good ones. Driving home was scary because of the intense fog. It was legit straight out of a horror movie. Especially when a guy decided to cross the street right in front of me. I just imagined him stopping in front of the car suddenly and staring at me all creepily. Luckily, he didn't do that. Instead he just acted like the car and I did not even exist. Geez.
Court and I decided to go to Firehouse pizza and get ourselves a delicious ph'zookie. What a cool word that is. Go ahead, say it. Say it. Outloud. "Vampire." hahaha sorry, Twilight moment. If you haven't seen that movie, sorry just ignore it and move on. Anywaaaays, it was pretty darn delicious. Then we came home and I got her addicted to one of my favorite tv shows of all time. ED! It's just such a fantastic show and now I've got her hooked on it. So that's how we'll be spending our free time together. 
What a cute cast they are. Watch the show! You will not regret it! Oh and if my future husband is reading this. You will watch every episode of this with me. Also, take notes because Ed is freaking adorable and does the sweetest things. 

I've also become addicted to Alias. I used to watch it but I don't remember much (except how extremely attractive Michael Vartan is. I mean really, he's pretty fantastic) Everyone has good things to say except that they hate the series finale. Sooo pretty sure I'll actually end up hating it. I hate when things don't have a good ending. I am not picky about movies or shows really as long as it has a happy ending. So screw you Alias for sucking me in and then making me waste time and watch all 5 seasons just to hate it in the end. Why don't I just stop while I'm in season 1?? I can't. It's too late. Just gotta see it through. 
See? Beautiful huh? At least I have this face to look at.

And last but definitely not least, today was national pancake day which meant FREE PANCAKES. So yes, Court and I went. I couldn't finish it all so I took the rest to my brother. You are welcome Kevin.
That's all for now. I know it's super exciting. My life is really just one never ending party. Oh! Speaking of parties....Mardi Gras party on campus this weekend. Who is excited??? Me :)