Saturday, March 31, 2012

Friends are wonderful

This is just to prove why Michelle and I are best friends.

I texted her about how I decided I was going to go to NC State and oh so casually run into Scotty. Then sadly texted her telling her nevermind because it's 6,000 more dollars than Idaho. Sheeeesh.
To this she replied....
"I have an idea! What if we join a really good choir that travels to NC State to compete and he falls in love with our voices?!"

This is just one of our many plans. The other is that we are going to become a duet pair and become famous and go on the Ellen show and then he'll fall in love with me and introduce her to his friend. And we'll all tour and fall in love.
This is why we are best friends.

But in all seriousness, Michelle has a beautiful voice and I'm trying to get her to audition for American Idol in July! If you haven't heard her just listen to this video and then you can be one of those fans that were fans before she became famous.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spider attack!

It's a beautiful day today so after spending some time outside this morning I came inside to shower. I'm just washing my hair, minding my own business and being dee da and then BAM. I see something MOVE. So I look up to the ceiling and freeze. Oh, hello daddy long leg kind of you to visit me in the shower. Not. No. No no. Gross. Spiders in the shower are the WORST. I mean, you are so vulnerable just waiting for it to attack you. And I know people say they don't bite humans but I looked it up. It's possible! And to those people who say they shouldn't even be counted as a spider. You are wrong. Very, very wrong. So I wash my hair quickly, keeping my eyes on the spider the whole time. Of course it starts to move towards the wall and closer to me so I speed up. Then it falls down a this point I'm so focused on the spider and my body is frozen in place that I actually scream when it falls. It's still on the wall though and it pulls itself up back to the ceiling. I finally hop out of the shower and grab the shower head. Course the spider just so happened to be in the one spot of the wall it was hard to reach with the water. But that didn't stop me. After soaking the whole bathroom and the ceiling I finally washed it down the drain. Then ran the water to make sure it wasn't going to be crawling back up.
Aja-1 Spider-0

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bojangles and the lake

I got my roommate assignment today. There will be 6 girls in our apartment including Michelle and I. The other 4 are actually all living together right now. It kinda makes me worried since they are all together now and are already friends. Just another thing to add to my list of worries. I'm grateful Michelle will be with me though. And it's always a comfort to know that Kevin and Court are only 2 hours away. I just hate leaving home. Guess I really am a homebody.

I leave a week from today and I say the least. I have a nice list of things I want to do before I have to leave again and today was spent doing one of the best things. I went to the lake and ate Bojangles while laying on the dock, feet in the water, soaking up some sun. It was PERFECT. We drove the Miata with the top down and blasting country music. The weather was perfectly warm with a slight breeze. The lake was quiet and peaceful. The food was good. The water was perfect. It was the perfect day. I'm so grateful for days like today and yet so sad that I have to leave. It's bittersweet.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I found this old picture of my Dad and I.
It's probably one of my favorite pictures of us ever.
Cracks me up every time!

P.S. I got a new look for my blog. What do you think??

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


No more sign waving for me! After my shift on Tuesday my boss told me he was cutting some hours and people due to lack of business and money and since I had already given him my two weeks notice, he was going to cut me. So he said I had just worked my last shift and that he'd see me when I came to pick up my check. Crazy huh?!
I am excited to have the last 2 weeks free. Although I'll miss some things about my job. Let's just review some of the highlights.

-Weird people in Burger King. Tuesday there was a man acting out cartoons while on the phone. After he finished waving his hands around imitating different cartoons he would laugh like a maniac. Pretty hilarious.
-Gettin' that wonderful vitamin D. Thanks to the job I have a nice tan.
-"Steven" stories to tell to my friends. Such as...the time he told me someone accused him of being the father of her 5 year old child. The conversation we had that went like this..."I think I'm going to take off my hat, it's hot."-Me "You're right, on you it is hot."-him "uhhh....I meant it's making me warm."-me. The times he comes to visit me on break...even when he wasn't working...just waiting for the bus? The times he would sneak into the conversation about people telling him or him telling people the chick he works with is hot. The time he told me he had to "piss like a racehorse." and the latest time when he told me he applied to be a stripper.
-Sign boy. Such great awkward stories with him. He just did not know how to start a conversation. "Lots of sign people out here." "With those gold pants and sitting on the hydrant you look like a queen." "Soo since you are leaving you must not be too interested in guys huh?"
-MY FIREMAN. I'll definitely miss him. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye or have another cute waving party with him. I'll miss him.
-Nice people in BK. The lady that works there is always so sweet to me. She told me I have a good heart! I had a man give me large fries once! And on Monday I had a lady give me 7 dollars to buy myself food. Some people are just so wonderful.
-The self esteem boost when people would honk or flirt with me. Not gonna lie, it made me smile and feel good. You know you would feel the same!

I guess it was a pretty good experience.
Gave me plenty of stories!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Soo cool!

As you read earlier, I saw Scotty McCreery and blogged about it. Which in itself was such a cool experience and then it got even better when someone posted it in this forum! How awesome is that?! Every time I hit refresh people were reading and commenting on my post! So far 112 people have read it! That's a lot of people. It just makes me so happy :)
If you haven't read it yet, check it out here!

And here's a lovely screenshot of the pageviews! Yayayayay! :)

How can you possibly watch this and not love him?!
This video makes me so happy!

"Better have a good lookin microphone."

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Scotty McCreery!

*Warning* You are about to read a post involving some fangirling.

Friday night Michelle, John and I roadtripped down to Garner, NC to see Scotty McCreery's baseball game. And it was WONDERFUL.
The weather was perfect, the music was country and they won the baseball game.
It was the perfect southern night.
They even played Walk In The Country by Scotty McCreery at the end.
And we got to see Scotty! He came out after and walked to his car and then there were just a few of us and a girl by me called out "bye Scotty" and he turned to us and said "bye" in his adorable southern accent. Then he turned to the police man and said "thank you" in his amazing voice.
His voice is even better in person.
He drives a truck.
He was so sweet and southern.
And his smile is PRECIOUS!
He is perfect.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Michelle, thank you for being such a great friend and doing crazy and random things with me. And dealing with my craziness.

Dear creepy men on the street, stop saying gross things to me while I'm working. First, I'm wearing gold pants and waving a sign...not trying to impress you. and second, I can't "call you" because I don't have your number. I won't "come closer" to your car and let you rape me. And yes, I will pretend I don't see you creepily smiling and nodding at me.

Dear Mom and Dad, you guys are great. You are so wonderful to me and I'm soo grateful for all you do for me. I don't know where I would be without you. And Mom I don't want you to leave for my last weeks left at home!

Dear Scotty McCreery, You. are. precious. You look adorable in your baseball uniform and your voice is even cuter in person. Your truck is pretty, you are sweet, your smile is adorable and you are such a good southern boy!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A wonderful conversation I just had with Virginia.

A: Two firetrucks from my fireman's station are down the street!
VA: Oh lawd. Go take em cookies ;)
A: hahahah YES
VA: Maybe something to drink too. They could be parched.
A: "Excuse me...I don't mean to distract you from stopping the fire. But I brought you food!"
VA: Hahahahah EXACTLY! Wear a bikini.
A: Ahahaha and high heels.
VA: Yup. And red lipstick.
A: I'll let you know how it goes.
VA: Please do! Lemme know how many firemen come back with you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My fireman

There are many perks to my job. I don't really have to deal with people, I get to listen to music, the hours are good and of course I'm getting really tan. But my favorite perk of all is seeing my fireman as previously metioned in this post Yes, I call him "my fireman". Today there was a wreck on the other corner and my coworker let me know that the fireman were there. I literally sped walked up there and wahlah! There he was. He is a.dor.a.ble! He had his little khakis on and his green fire vest with his amazing arms showing and was helping out with the accident. Everyone in the accident was fine so I had no problem just soaking in my fireman's adorableness. He was laughing and talking to the other fireman but he did look at me when I first got to the corner. They were on the other side of the street so we didn't really talk. But he was still lookin' mighty fine.
As always, he was the highlight of my day :)


My birthday was wonderful :) I love everyone in my life so much. I got the usual load of wall posts and it’s a great feeling to have your phone never stop ringing either because of facebook or people texting and calling.

I went out to Tripps with my parents and got yummy food and a free dessert! Then I opened up my presents. I got 2 cute new journals (soo exciting! I can’t wait to use them!) Breaking Dawn (which we already opened and watched last month hahah) and then a reallyyy nice cooking set for when I’m married :) I love it all! Then we ate some delicious dark chocolate cheesecake my Mom made for me. She is such a wonderful lady. I just love her so much.Then I talked to all my siblings who I can’t wait to see soon! and Ricky called (he is such a sweetheart. Love that boy.) and then went over to Virginia’s where she surprised me with a cake! It was so sweet. She is a great friend.

Saturday I went to P.F. Changs with Lauren and Virginia and also got some free dessert. It was delicious and lots of fun. It even involved watching an odd couple sitting across from us and an old man squirting his lemon into Lauren's mouth.

Michelle came over Monday to have a balloon party with me. It wasn't really a part of my birthday but she did bring me a present! She brought me a headband we had gushed over together in Splurges! It was super cute and she also got me chapstick (Splurges chapstick is awesome!) and a bag of Dove dark chocolate. She knows me so well. The balloon party was not quite how we thought/wanted it to be but it turned out to be fun! There's something so fun about sitting in a room full of balloons!

All in all, my birthday was wonderful and I'm soo grateful for all those people in my life who are there to celebrate it with me. I'm so very blessed with all I have. It's incredible!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Considering I spend 4 hours every day listening to music, I am always on the look out for new music. And I just found Carrie Underwood's new single Good Girl. It's got a greattt beat to dance to, lyrics are perfect and her voice is beautiful.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Aja vs Wind

Work was pretty horrendous today.
Winds were between 25-35 mph. And considering my weight, the wind was controlling me. After being pushed back and from side to side, the sign actually ended up hitting me in the face. I went home early.
This is basically what I looked like.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lame. Lame. LAME.
I hate being disappointed. Especially over and over again.
Last semester I was so excited to room with someone...she bailed and decided she wasn't going to go anymore. This semester I was going to room with Michelle and another friend and the 3 of us were going to have so much fun.
OH WAIT. My other friend just said she's not going anymore. Then she tells me she prayed about it and it's just not right. But I asked if her boyfriend was still going and she said he's staying home.
Mhmm I'm sure she's not staying cause of him. Suuuure.


Videoblog for the last month :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Mom, you are wonderful and I would NOT survive without you. You seriously do so much for me and keep me going.

Dear weather, thank you for being perfect. Yesterday being warm and sunny and helping me tan while raining today enough to send me home from work early.

Dear Zach Gilford, please stop being so attractive and adorable because I can't have you and that is just rude. Andddd you are amazing in Friday Night Lights.

Dear Kelly, happy birthdayy! I hope it was great! The party tonight should be fun. and mine is next week!

Dear sweats, you are so comfy. I wish I could live in you.

Dear Friday Night Lights, why must you be such a good show? I waste away all my afternoons watching you. And yet I'm okay with it because you are so good.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Day!

I. love. Leap. Day. I think it's so cool to think that every 4 years we get an extra 24 hours. To do anything! Yesterday...I worked. so it wasn't anything crazy. BUT I did have a leap day party that night! and it was AWESOME. Virginia brought black lights and we had a dance party. (you can never go wrong with a dance party)
I think it was a pretty great way to spend those extra hours.
Thanks to everyone who came!