Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello Utah

I'm officially back in Utah! It was quite the interesting day to get here.
On my flight from Chicago to Denver I was sitting next to a precious old man named Carl who had a sweet mustache. He told me all about his travels to D.C. and North Carolina because he works for the NRA (he then showed me the back of his hat which said NRA... in case I didn't understand what he said the first time I guess) then he showed me his ring...which was made from an elk tooth. Oh! He's also a pilot. So yeah, Carl was a pretty cool guy. Kept me company...until he fell asleep.
He did tell everyone on the flight to let me go first though since I had a short layover. What a guy that Carl, what a guy.
I then spent the night in Salt Lake where I went on a date and we ended up running from the Trax police. Long story short, we are wanted criminals. What can I say? Utah has changed me already.
Now I'm with Court and it's just wonderful. She even got me to get up at 8 so I could go to Zumba with her. It was my first time going and it was surprisingly fun! Although I also didn't know half the moves...the teacher was the hardest teacher there...and I was still sore from running through the airport (don't judge me for that. My backpack and carry on were heavy! And running through airports with all that extra weight can be painful!) But overall, Zumba was fun. Now she wants to do a step class tomorrow at 9. What have I started??
It's good to be here though. I can't explain what it is but I feel like this is where I need to be. Sure feels good to feel like I'm exactly where I need to be! :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Don't forget to play.

Recently I heard tragic news about a boy I knew when I was younger. He was in a car accident and passed away. He was only 20 and it breaks my heart to think how young he was and how much life he had left to live. It made me stop and think abut my own life, my own dreams and ambitions. I said in my earlier post that I love the New Year because it makes me feel like I can do just about anything I dreamed of. Mix that in with the terrible news and I just can't stop thinking about how short life is and how we have to go out and live it.
This winter I have a break from school and I had it all planned out to make money and do things I needed to do. Those plans have fallen through and I'm left having no idea what I'm going to be doing for the next 3 months. You know what though? I love it. I love not knowing what is going to come next, who I will meet and how much they'll change my life, if I'll be working and where and not knowing what could happen day to day. I love not knowing, it makes me in a way. It makes me feel like I could almost do anything. Will I go out and change the world? Probably not. Will I go out and become rich and famous? Definitely not...but I wouldn't mind. But there's other things that can happen that are just as great.
I don't want to waste my life focusing so much on things that aren't important. People put way too much focus and effort into things that don't and shouldn't matter. People stress too many things that are just pointless in the grand scheme of things...relationship drama (especially when it isn't even your own), designer clothes, cars, rumors, friendship drama, all seems so important. I know you need money to do just about anything in this world. I understand, I'm not naive. But when I told a friend of mine that I didn't know my plan for the next 3 months or if I'd find a place to work, he said "so you're just going to play?" He said it in a way that was negative, as if that was a bad thing, to play. He thinks much differently than I do and I respect that but when did the world forget that playing is good? When did everyone forget that the world is our playground? I look at the children today and see them wanting so badly to grow up and be adults and it breaks my heart. I wish I could go back to being a kid where you're allowed to play outside for hours with your friends. You make lemonade stands, not to make money, but because it's fun. You don't care if you get your clothes or hands dirty, as long as you had fun. The world is growing up too fast.
Each of us has a life that needs to be lived while we still can. It's a shame that people die so young, so full of life left un-lived. If I do anything with my life, I want to make sure I lived it. I don't care if I'm unsuccessful and poor in the world's eyes. If I live my life and play on the world's playground, I'll be successful, rich and happy in my eyes. That's what truly matters. Life is so short. Don't take anything for granted and don't wish it would go faster. Enjoy the time of your life you are in, whether as a child, college student, parent or grandparent, don't forget to play.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Benny!

Warning:cheesy birthday post for a friend
If you don't know this said friend, you might not care.
If you do know this said friend, you still might not care.
You are still reading have been warned.

I have a friend that I call Benny
Although that's not his name.
It all started with sledding
And then a simple game.
It progressed into endless talking
Band practices, yet never a show.
Constantly him mocking
The silly boys I've grown to know.
Seems like he's always there to comfort me
And even make me smile
When I fall for the ones I'm too blind to see
That leave me fighting him with my denial.
He listens to my drama, about both girls and boys.
No matter how silly it seems
He always answers with poise
While I always take them to a whole new extreme.
He came with us to prom one year
It could have quite terrible
But he was just so sweet and dear
He ended up making it quite bearable.
He visited me at work
And went with me for fro-yo
He said he liked me for my quirks
And taught me to go with the flow.
And so this is my blog for him
To say thank you for it all
My life without you could be real grim
Even if I hardly did anything with "y'all"
I just had to throw that in real quick
Since I know you love it so
I don't know how you can think it's sick.
Kinda how I feel about Mothman
And how you said his eyes glow.
I really should end this while I can
This is too long, so I should go
But I just want to thank you
For being the best neighbor I know :)

Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! 2013-the year to make things happen

It's my turn for the cheesy new years post. And let me warn will indeed be cheesy because I love new years. I love the excitement of something new. The feeling of hope and change in the air just because it is a new year...when really we could change any day of the year that we wanted. But there is the excitement each time the new year rolls around with the perfect nudge to push you towards being a new person, making a list of resolutions to help you to be a better version of yourself. 
To me, I love the idea of the unknown. The hope of all the great things that can happen in the new year. A year is a long time. Some things you can hope for and imagine while others can be so unexpected and great that it was impossible for you to imagine. 
It's the anticipation. The excitement. The hope. That's what I love. 
I don't usually make resolutions because I don't end up keeping them. But this year, there's one thing I want to change. This year I'm going to make things happen. This year I'm not going to just cross my fingers and hope for things to happen. I can't just sit by and watch my dreams fade into the past. I'm going to make things happen while I still can. 
Happy 2013!
I have a feeling it's going to be a good year :)