Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello Utah

I'm officially back in Utah! It was quite the interesting day to get here.
On my flight from Chicago to Denver I was sitting next to a precious old man named Carl who had a sweet mustache. He told me all about his travels to D.C. and North Carolina because he works for the NRA (he then showed me the back of his hat which said NRA... in case I didn't understand what he said the first time I guess) then he showed me his ring...which was made from an elk tooth. Oh! He's also a pilot. So yeah, Carl was a pretty cool guy. Kept me company...until he fell asleep.
He did tell everyone on the flight to let me go first though since I had a short layover. What a guy that Carl, what a guy.
I then spent the night in Salt Lake where I went on a date and we ended up running from the Trax police. Long story short, we are wanted criminals. What can I say? Utah has changed me already.
Now I'm with Court and it's just wonderful. She even got me to get up at 8 so I could go to Zumba with her. It was my first time going and it was surprisingly fun! Although I also didn't know half the moves...the teacher was the hardest teacher there...and I was still sore from running through the airport (don't judge me for that. My backpack and carry on were heavy! And running through airports with all that extra weight can be painful!) But overall, Zumba was fun. Now she wants to do a step class tomorrow at 9. What have I started??
It's good to be here though. I can't explain what it is but I feel like this is where I need to be. Sure feels good to feel like I'm exactly where I need to be! :)

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