Monday, February 11, 2013

Mardi Gras

So this happened. I held a snake! It was weird. Almost felt fake. 
It was definitely real though considering it's head kept looking at us and flicking it's tongue out. 

That's right ladies and gentleman, this weekend was *drumroll*

The night started out by holding this snake and a touching a huge yellow boa. Then it was full of playing cards and gambling (and by that I mean watching Kevin and Jarom play. We were the girls that stood behind their chairs supporting them.) Jarom actually won a lot of chips but sadly, neither him nor Kevin won anything from the raffle. 
Sarah and I left them to their gambling and hit up the tattoo parlor (aka the airbrush tattoo booth) where I was going to get the Batman symbol and she would get Superman. But...our wrists were too small. Imagine that. So I got a shamrock and she got a dollar sign. Hard core huh? 
Then...the long awaited dance. It was wonderful! 
Balloons and confetti fell from the ceiling. I mean really...can you ask for anything better??
Oh wait. You can. You can ask to take a picture with a 7 foot man that is standing behind you while you dance. He may or may not be on the basketball team. We are unsure...but he's so tall. 
Downside to the dance was this sweaty, little man that seemed to appear no matter where we went. A little creepy. 
But other than Mr. Creepy. It was so, so fun!

Happy Mardi Gras!

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