We've known eachother for what seems like forever. We only lived a street away and an empty field connected our two streets. We met through the common love of Johnny Depp and then Michael Vartan. First time we hung out I introduced her to my older brother and his "super hot" friends. I would never have survived middle school without her. We rode the bus together and stalked "the hat" (an older guy that we thought was sooo cute). We hung out every day after school doing homework, playing Halo or just talking to boys on the computer. She used to make me quesadillas (I never learned how to spell that silly word) everyday. Even when we fought (which was not often) we still hung out. We were just that weird. Some of my favorite memories are with this girl. Like saying "sowy" or her always telling me "sonrie". Or "shank you for shanking me!" or her cute, fat hands. Or when we made up that stupid dance to try and lose weight. One time we wanted to make brownies but didn't have ingredients so we put oil from my house in measuring cups and tried to cross the field to her house without spilling. We were laughing so hard that of course I spilled all over my favorite pants (that used to be Court's). We were geniuses. Or the time we were wandering the neighborhood and wanted to see how nice a backyard was so we knocked on the door and asked to see their backyard. Creepy... She helped me stay awake 48 hours for a science fair project and dealt with my crazy hallucinations. We watched One Tree Hill and Smallville together each week. She would walk me to the halfway point after everytime we hung out, where we'd do our handshake (that we both still remember!) and then separate for a few hours. She's traveled all over with me. She's been to Idaho with me to stay with my Grandma. We've been to Vegas to visit my other Grandma and cousins and she's even been to NC twice and the Outer Banks. She has the kindest heart I've ever known. She's the kind of person that makes you want to be a better person. She's so sweet and caring that you want to protect her in any possible way so that the world will never hurt or change her. She's reliable and responsible in the way that only someone that's gone through what she has, could be. She's so strong and has had life try to push her down too many times. She's small and adorable and a burst of energy. I honestly would be a different person if it was not for Court. She's helped me in soo many ways. I'd say she has no idea how she's helped me, but she does. She knows everything about me and she still loves me. She doesn't judge me, she just loves me. She knows my flaws and my weaknesses and loves me for them. We've had every possible reason to be torn apart: catty girls, family situations, health problems, other friends, definitely boys and the fact that we live 1,773 miles apart. But nothing will ever tear us apart and we know it. We share everything together including the first guy we both truly loved and cared for. Someone that we both struggle with getting over. It didn't ruin our friendship. After all we've been through I don't think anything will ruin our friendship. We'll grow old and still be silly together. She's my sister and my family agrees. My Mom misses her as much as she misses her own children. She's a part of this family and everyone agrees. She's met my whole family and cousins and grandparents and aunts and uncles and fits right in, she's even spent Christmas and Thanksgiving with us. As much as we want her to marry my brother it doesn't matter, because even if she doesn't she's still family. You can't help but love her the second you meet her. I've always been jealous of her. We fight about who is prettier but guys always liked her more. She has a glow and a love radiating from her that attracts anyone and everyone. She's beautiful inside and out. She's my most "beautifuless"friend. I love you Pockets <3
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